Tomahawk - Competition (.68 Cal) - 2000ct

  • 73.93 CAD

The tournament paint from Tomahawk, made according to specifications from the best paintball players in Europe. With a yellow shell and filling.

Article Number: 1122

Together with some of the best Pro Players, we created a premium ball  according to their specifications, which soon enough became and  continues to be the first choice of numerous European teams. Following  the steps of Tomahawk Finest, Tomahawk Competition meets all the needs  of a Pro Player, year after year pushing Pro teams to take home National  and European Championship Titles. While extremely brittle on impact, it  lays safe inside your marker, perfect on the break.

Its super  bright liquid fill and perfectly balanced weight and size consistently  delivers exceptional accuracy, and its central breakage point leaves  splatters terrifically hard to wipe.
