NERF Super Soaker Barracuda

  • 21.62 GBP
  • 18.38 GBP

With Nerf Super Soaker Barracuda you'll be the winner in water wars. The mammoth water gun holds 1 L of water and has two barrels.

Article Number: 2021

Swamp the competition with dual drenching from the Super Soaker  BarraCuda water blaster that features 2 vertically stacked barrels. Keep  moving the handle back and forth to unleash 2 continuous streams of  water from the barrels. The blue and white double-barrel Barracuda  blaster holds up to 35 fluid ounces (1 liter). with the Barracuda water  blaster, Super Soaker battlers can keep pouring on the soakage to flood  the competition!